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What is Naturopathy? A Deep Dive into Holistic Care

· 6 min read

Naturopathy, often presented as a niche or alternative form of medicine, is in fact rooted in the historical pillars of Western medical philosophy. But what is naturopathy really about? Let's unravel this concept.

1. Naturopathy: The Gift from Hippocrates

Believe it or not, the foundational principles of naturopathy align with the teachings of Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine. The ancient Greek physician's wisdom, often summarized by the phrase "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," resonates profoundly with naturopathy's essence.

Hippocrates' emphasis on nutrition wasn't a mere suggestion; it was central to his practice. He believed that dietary habits played a crucial role in the health of an individual. To him, food could act as a double-edged sword—being both the healer and the harm-bringer, depending on how it was consumed. For instance, while proper nutrition could bolster the body’s defenses and promote well-being, poor dietary choices could lead to imbalances and diseases.

This ancient philosophy mirrors the contemporary naturopathic understanding that the choices we make in our diet and lifestyle significantly impact our health. While Eastern countries have Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as their ancestral medical systems, the West, through the teachings of Hippocrates, has its roots in the holistic, preventive principles embodied by naturopathy.

2. The Body's Innate Healing Power

At its core, naturopathy is about harnessing the body's intrinsic ability to heal. For instance, a fever is not an ailment in and of itself. It's the body's natural response to kill off viruses. Similarly, the process by which a wound heals is a testament to the body's resilience and capability.

Naturopathy seeks to bolster these natural processes.

3. Lifestyle: The Modern Day Medicine (or Poison)

Interestingly, more and more ailments plaguing the Western world today – be it obesity, diabetes, or even certain cancers – can be linked to lifestyle choices. Poor diet, sedentary routines, and chronic stress are, unfortunately, the norms for many. Here, naturopathy offers a better path, emphasizing the need for profound lifestyle shifts to restore health.

4. Doctor First, Naturopath Next

Before visiting a naturopath, it's essential to consult a doctor to rule out diseases that necessitate immediate medical intervention. Many naturopathy clients are those who, despite having no diagnosed diseases, still suffer from various symptoms. This is where naturopathy shines. If your body signals distress but you’ve been cleared out by your doctor, it’s indicating an imbalance, often rooted in your lifestyle.

5. Holistic Care: Seeing the Bigger Picture

Naturopathy dives deep, beyond the surface symptoms, to view and understand you as a complete entity—a complex mosaic of experiences, genetics, environment, and choices. Each piece of your own personal jigsaw puzzle, from your family medical history and mental health to your education and environment, contributes to your overall picture. In treating you, a naturopath aims to see your complete image, not just a fragment of it.

Just as each one of us is distinct with our own stories, our health needs differ too. What works for your neighbor might not work for you. While foundational health principles may apply to many (like the benefits of including fatty fish for omega-3 intake), the way naturopathic care is structured is profoundly individualized. Think of it as a bespoke suit. Sure, many people might buy suits, but a tailored one fits perfectly, catered to the unique contours and nuances of the individual.

This personalization ensures that the care you receive isn’t just generic advice, but a well-thought-out plan tailored to align with your specific needs, circumstances, and goals. It recognizes and celebrates your uniqueness, ensuring that the pathway to wellness is carved just for you.

6. Treating the Root, Not Just the Symptom

Naturopathy digs deep. It’s not about giving you a quick fix for your headache; it's about understanding why that headache exists in the first place. Achieving this understanding might require comprehensive evaluations and even some trial and error. It's about identifying the cause and addressing it, not just masking the symptom.

7. Naturopathy: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Expecting overnight results with naturopathy is like expecting to run a marathon after a day's practice. Real, lasting change takes time. Just as years of unhealthy living can lead to disease, reversing those effects through positive lifestyle changes won't happen instantly.

Similarly, each one of us is unique, and so is our healing potential. While some might bounce back quickly, others may need prolonged care. Do not despair, your therapist is there every step of the way.

8. Public Health Implications of Naturopathy

With the increasing life expectancy, it’s crucial to focus on enhancing the quality of those years. A surge in lifestyle-related diseases and the wake-up call of the COVID pandemic emphasize the importance of proactive health measures. Naturopathy, by championing preventive and holistic care, can play a pivotal role in reducing societal health costs and improving overall well-being.

In conclusion

Naturopathy is not just a trend or a fleeting alternative; it's a timeless philosophy that encourages us to tap into our body's natural resources. In a world where quick fixes are often sought after, naturopathy gently reminds us of the value of patience, understanding, and the incredible power of holistic care.

Coline Dermersedian

About Coline Dermersedian

I'm a former lawyer turned naturopath. Think of me as a health coach who uses a combination of traditional and science-based therapies to regain optimal health, and offers practical advice tailored to your unique needs.